cover art
Letter from
the Editors
The Spring Equinox is renewal. New life. New opportunities. New self. But new does not come from nothing: it’s born from winter. These winters are made up of our cold moments, the moments that leave us with grief, trauma, disillusionment. These are the moments that cause a shift—the “why now’s” of our stories, our poems, our art. And, after winter, we grow.
In this issue, we see how folklore springs up in absence. Negative spaces create the desire to fill negative spaces–to enliven them, to explain them with fable, myth, and history. Whether it be the death of a friend, the barrenness of a landscape, the yearning for food, or the lack of light, absences fuels stories, and stories fuel art. And so, it is in spring that we reflect and create, making sense of adversity. In spring, we find our craft.
So, come with us, the editors at Folklore Review, as we witness our contributors’ Spring Equinox. Lend them your eyes, and they will show you a little bit of magic.
Thank you from us (and the hares),
The Editors at FR.